Gwangju Talks: Do you feel that Korea is beginning to accept homosexuality?


Chae Jung-hoon, 36

I don’t have clear ideas about how homosexuality is accepted in our society. Some words like “a few”, “negative” and “reluctant” come to my mind. Indirectly, I could experience their life from mass media and I could put myself in their shoes while I was watching it. We have no right to judge their life as long as it does no damage to others in our society. I think homosexuality is just one part of human nature, so it should be respected.

Kim So-yi, 25

I have one Malaysian friend who is homosexual. He loves Korea a lot. However, he said that some Koreans give him uncomfortable looks because of their bias against homosexuality. Why is homosexuality regarded as bad even though it is not? People think homosexuality is a taboo for only one reason, namely that it is not common. Homosexuality is no longer as unacceptable. They also have the right to love. There remain intense debates about homosexuals in Korea. However, if we see homosexuals in a biased way, then their happiness and freedom will be violated. Therefore, I am on their side and I support them.

Jeon Bonggwan, 24

In many western countries, people are generally not against homosexuality, so they have more freedom and openness to their gender identities. In Korea, however, I think most people hate the idea very much because of our cultural and historic backgrounds. Another reason is that for a long time we have regarded love as only possible between the opposite sex. Due to these reasons, it makes people upset. I often try to respect homosexuality, but I tend to be part of the majority.

Solène Heurtaux, 22

I personally accept homosexuality and know both gay and lesbian couples. Gay marriage was made legal in my country (France) in 2013 and I think that it was a great victory for LGBT rights. But I am not sure about what Koreans think about that. I haven’t seen any homosexual couples here in Korea so I think it is still a taboo. I feel like Korea is very advanced on many aspects (technologies, etc.) but some traditions are still very present and they prevent mentalities to evolve on certain issues.

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