Suncheon Bay Garden Expo Performance Show

This performer, with her drum and hanbok, moved with a lot of grace.
This performer, with her drum and hanbok, moved with a lot of grace.

With the arrival of the Garden Expo in Suncheon this year, there has also been a marked upturn in cultural performances throughout the city – even better still that they are free. This set of photos shows the performers both on and off stage, together with the people who came to enjoy the shows.

The shows in the city are happening at a hanok style building in the downtown area on Suncheon’s relatively new Art Street. There is also another location at the Lake Park where you can enjoy exhibits. This park is located on the other side of town in the Jorye-dong area of Suncheon. If you come to Suncheon to see the Expo, then it might be worth getting to one of these performances as well. They usually start at 6:30 p.m.

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