South Korea in the Doldrums: Going from Worse to Bad?

” I just thought politics and political decisions were like something beyond my pay grade, and all I did was shift blame on politicians and the president for any misery, tragedy, or unhappiness. I was merely skeptical and pessimistic about Korea’s political future. Then, something happened that made me realize now is as good a time as any to turn over a new leaf and do something.”
Are you curious about what happened with the author as much as we are? Read on!

Getting Drafted: My Experience in the ROK Army

As most know, all Korean men are obligated to serve in the military, be it in the Army, Navy, or Air Force. Korean society believes this is the duty of a male Korean citizen, so long as he is physically and mentally sound.

Are You Ugly?

However, sometimes 8ball cannot help finding himself annoyed and mad at some… let’s call them “ugly Koreans”. Here are some examples:

Repent! The End is Near?

According to a survey conducted by Ipsos in the United States, 13 percent of Korean people, and 14 percent of people worldwide, believe that the end of the world will come before they die.

Friends or Foes? Korea vs. Japan

Korean people often describe Japan as a close but distant neighbor. Why is that? Why do some Korean people hate Japan and Japanese people? Are there solutions to put an end to this problem?

Work Habits in Korea

For them resting is nothing but a luxury and working around the clock is the best and most effective way to success. But is that so?

To Bully or to be Bullied, That is the Question

Have you ever been ostracized by friends or colleagues, or vice versa? Why do you think it happened to you or others? If you don’t fall into either category, then you are a lucky person.