Meat tastes better each time you chew, while books taste different each time you read.

You might know that King Sejong created hangeul. But if you want to know more about the history of King Sejong and hangeul, check out this month’s Korean Sayings.

Even Dog Poop is Hard to Find When Needed as Medicine

Look into a strange history of medicine in this Korean saying about never finding something when you need it the most.

Korean Sayings: “Mothers-in-law”

This month the traditional relationship between Korean mothers and daughters-in-laws is examined! Is the stereotype of the evil mother-in-law changing?

Fried or Spicy Chicken?

A Korean saying with lots of history and meaning behind it! Find out why Korean’s don’t you to figure out what kind of chicken they just ate!

“He Or She Who Gives a Disease, Then Gives Medicine”

A glimpse into Korean traditional medicine through a proverb describing false friends.

Korean Sayings: A Novice Shaman Kills A Man

Explore Korean Shamanism, or Muism, which has been in revival since 2007.

Korean Sayings: Chicken Instead of Pheasant

What’s the meaning of the Korean saying “chicken instead of pheasant”, and why?

Korean Sayings: Can’t Say A Word To One’s Liver

What does it mean if you “can’t say a word to your liver”?