Why Trump?: Explaining the US Election

The 2016 US presidential election was a turbulent time of wild accusations, fiery punches and bombshell email leaks that sent Brexit-like shock waves around the world. After the election, I was approached by a Korean friend who asked me, “Why did America … Read More

Asia and High Speed Rail

Matt Furlane investigates an important but often overlooked mode of transportation, the train, with a look at its development in Asia.

Mt. Fuji: Sacred, Accessible and Diverse

Read of one man’s trek up famous Mt. Fuji (then go yourself).

GIC Talks for November

Here’s the list of GIC Talks in November. What looks fascinating to YOU?

North Korea and the “D” Word

The games of North Korea are getting old, says Matt Furlane.

Japan: Legacy of the Tsunami

Matt Furlane spent some time in Japan to the areas which felt the effects of tsunami.

Three Stops: Tokyo

Grab some quick tips on visiting Tokyo from Matt Furlane.

Photo Essay: Chungjang Festival

Chungjang Festival is one of the representative festivals of Gwangju. Held annually every September, the festival holds the theme of ‘Recollection 7080’ which showcases events, performances and decorations from the 1970s and 1980s and is very popular among the elder generations of Gwangju.