Jjukkumi Bokkeum: Stir-Fried Baby Octopus

By Joe Wabe. In the past few years, jjukkumi (쭈꾸미) has become a distinctive spring food. It is between March and April that this small octopus emerges from the deep … Read More

Ganghwa Island with My Birth Family

Lianne Bronzo took her final Korean family trip to the rural island of Ganghwa off the coast of Incheon at the end of June.

Nakji Bokkeum (Stir-fried baby octopus) How-to

There is a saying, “If you feed three to four octopuses to a scraggy cow, it will soon have strength.” Octopus is a low-cholesterol, low-calorie stamina food and has been enjoyed as a health food for a long time.