Your Health: There’s an App for That

While the Internet may not be the source of heathcare information, some applications allow public health professionals to spread reliable information in an easily accessible way.

Worked to Death: The Dangers to Health from Overwork

Working too many hours? Find out what that can do to your mental and physical health and take care of you.

Gwangju Health: Get Your Pokes

Now is the time for promoting the importance of vaccines in order to prevent an outbreak of several different diseases. Stay up-to-date on your vaccines!

Protect Yourself: Fight Mis-Diagnosis

Here are some tips on avoiding misdiagnosis in Korean healthcare and not getting overly stressed over illnesses.

HIV in Korea: A Tangled Mess of Law, Stigma, and Bad Public Health

Having HIV in Korea can be difficult for locals and foreigners alike.

Sleeping Positions

You spend a third of your life asleep, but how much do you know about your sleep? Check out how the way you sleep can affect your dreams, and see if you agree!

Ebola: Know Your Epidemic (So You Can Separate Fact from Fiction)

Don’t get sucked in to the media misinformation about Ebola. Learn the facts.

Beware the Hogs and Marmots

Summertime saw public health scares with animal-related disease and death in humans throughout East Asia.