The “Role” of the Second Language Teacher

Dr. David Shaffer Looks At The Importance That The Foreign Language Teacher Plays In The Classroom

Giving Back Feedback in the Classroom

Dr. David Shaffer covers the important but sensitive area of giving feedback in the classroom

Consider Task Demand to Ensure Lesson Success

Creating tasks and activities that balance students interests, needs and abilities can be difficult. Lindsay Herron gives some advice to help make this possible

KOTESOL: Looking in on your English Class

David Shaffer shares his ideas about class observations, suggesting they can be used effectively for professional development and better teaching techniques.

KOTESOL: Short Stories and L2 Learners

An interesting article outlining how to incorporate a literature project into ESL classroom, making it a student centered, interactive experience for students.

Take Action

Are you interested in developing your eduction methods? Interested in making a difference with your teaching? There’s no better way to do so than getting involved in with the Critical Educators in Korea.

Fording the Inclusive Testing Gulf

A thought provoking discussion about inclusive testing. Is it possible to make tests a fair assessment for all students?

Tech Tools for Digital Storytelling

Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL’s Lindsey Herron gives some great tips on digital storytelling. Join the May 2 Reflective Practice and chapter meeting.