E-2 Visa Requirements and Changes
Written by Katy Clements.
I live in Mokpo, which is a port city located southwest of Gwangju. It is a smaller city, and for me, renewing my visa has always been seamless. Though updating a visa is an easy process for most, some may struggle or be first-timers. In light of the COVID-19 situation, a lot of requirements have been added or changed. I have compiled a list of questions and answers that I believe will assist people in renewing an E-2 visa.

Can I renew online?
Yes, you can file an e-application via the HiKorea website. But before you file, you must make an account. You will be asked to give details about your alien registration card (ARC). Make sure you select “Registered Foreigner” as you sign up. There is a fee, and this fee is not the same as the revenue stamp (suip-inji, 수입 인지) you must purchase. You can also check your status via the HiKorea website.
What do I need to renew my visa?
You need your passport, your original contract, your ARC, proof of residency (e.g., your housing application), your school’s business certificate, tax documents, and a teaching schedule. You also need to purchase a revenue stamp, which you can get at a post office or at most immigration offices. If you work for an academy, you need to provide a business license number as well. If you are confused, call ahead. The hotline for foreign residents is 1345.
Do I need to make an appointment if I go in person?
In some places, you do. In my city, my husband and I did not. However, in 2018 Gwangju made it a requirement to set an appointment (same-day appointments cannot be scheduled). Furthermore, when I lived in Seoul, you were also required to make an appointment. If you are confused, ask your co-workers or call ahead.
Is my visa multiple entry?
As of this year, it is not. Since COVID-19 is still in its early stages, the Republic of Korea thought that safety should be a priority. If you want to go abroad, you need to visit the HiKorea website to apply for a reentry permit. You will also be asked to submit to a medical exam after you arrive back. In addition, it seems you can only apply for the permit from the immigration office at the airport.
I moved to a new apartment; do I need to report this change?
Yes! You must report any change to your passport or residence within 14 days. If you fail to do so, you are liable to be hit with a fine (up to one million won). If you are confused, please reach out to your immigration office or your local Facebook group.

I got married while abroad. What do I do next?
Did you get married in Korea? If so, then you need to notify your embassy. Each embassy has different procedures. For me, my husband and I went abroad and got married. We traveled to Saipan, which is American territory. We were not required to notify our embassies because I am American and he is Canadian. However, we did need to register as a family in case of an accident. This will allow you to make medical decisions or access your spouse’s bank records. This cannot be done online. You need to contact your immigration office to take care of this. You may need to have your marriage certificate translated.
I got married and I want to change my / my spouse’s surname. What can I do?
In Korea, people usually do not change their surname. So, if you get married in Korea, it is unlikely that this can happen. I was married abroad and had my name changed on my marriage certificate. When I came back to Korea, I made an appointment with the American Embassy to change my passport. After I received my passport, I was legally obligated to update my ARC card within a two-week period. From there, I was able to open a new bank account.
I am having a baby. What do I do next?
If you are having a baby with a Korean national in Korea, then your baby will be a Korean citizen. However, if the parents are both foreign, you must apply for your newborn’s passport as soon as you can. When you have the passport, you must go to your local immigration office to register your baby as a foreign resident. At the immigration office, they will help you register as a family, and you can put a spouse or newborn on your healthcare plan.
What happens if I do not renew my visa and I neglect to inform the office of changes?
Pay attention to your expiration date. If you are on an E-2 visa and your ARC expires, you are automatically switched to a tourist visa, which is a 90-day sojourn. After those 90 days, you may be fined for every day afterwards. If your fine is too hefty, you may be detained or blacklisted from the country.
I hope that these questions and answers have been helpful for you. I want to encourage all foreign readers to make sure they are up to date on all procedures. If you are unsure, please call the immigration contact center hotline for foreign residents at 1345. If you want to access any documents, you can find them at hikorea.go.kr. The website is in Korean, and it may ask you to download an add-on for translation.
The Author
Katy Clements is a criminology major from Memphis, Tennessee. She lives in Mokpo with her husband and has worked in South Korea for years.
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