Three Life Lessons from Mold
By Francesca Duong
It stood stark against my pale walls looking like a grotesque monster from a horror movie. And honestly, it basically was.
The black, misshapen spot had grown since I last saw it. Due to the leak in the wall my landlord profusely refused to fix, coupled with the sweaty conditions of summer, the mold spores were incubated in the perfect conditions for growth. Despite leaving my air conditioner on, filling my apartment with box dehumidifiers, and opening the window, all of my efforts proved to no avail during my month-long absence from my apartment.
I sighed a breath of deep betrayal and resentment. As I double layered my face mask and rolled up my sleeves, I stared down my enemy, as if I was afraid it would multiply instantaneously the second I took my eyes off of it. I thought I had tackled the issue before – when it was much smaller and with a natural solution of vinegar and baking soda. However, seeing its resurgence ignited an angry flame inside of me. I wanted it gone. I wanted it gone for good.
With the mold spray I bought off of Coupang in my right hand, I aimed directly at the unsightly splatter. The deadly chemicals shot out from the nozzle with an unparalleled force and filled the air with the smell of bleach. My fifteen-minute timer counted the seconds as each passing number lasted an eternity. After waiting the instructed time, my left hand, gloved with the bright pink plastic from Daiso, took a wad of paper towel and wiped the mold off.
I emerged victorious.
Yet, the victory lasted maybe two, three minutes at best. When I lifted my head, I could start to discern something strange on the flap of my air conditioning unit. It was dark, and it was spotted. The panic came bubbling up as my brain went into a frantic haze. What is this? What could this mean? With my phone flashlight illuminating the way, I peered into the unit, only to be met by my enemy hidden deep in the trenches: mold.
I gave up in defeat.
While this raging war resulted in a consultation with an air conditioner cleaning professional, not everything was lost. Upon deeper reflection, it became apparent that this annoying and toxic hindrance served as a sub-par role model for life. After carefully analyzing my strategy notes, I was able to discern three important life lessons we can learn from mold.
- Stand out
One of mold’s most prominent features is certainly its visibility. When it enters a room, with each step it takes, each growth, it pulls the audience in with its charisma. We are awakened from our deep conversations and our gaze is forced to follow its slow, destructive trek. Everyone is captivated – completely entranced. Its presence is known and undeniable.
As such, mold is a perfect role model for those who strive to be the center of attention. Whether you choose to wear a warm, oversized sweatshirt or a nicely fitted blazer, be sure your clothes drape you in a sense of comfort and security. Your personality should shine through. Even if feelings of nervousness or uncertainty are present, ensure that your head is held high, as if balancing an imaginary crown. As you watch the world unfold, your confidence will slowly grow, and the anxiousness will fade away.
- Be resilient
The conditions mold grows in are not necessarily desirable to the average person. Whereas I can barely walk down the block without complaining during Gwangju’s humid summer, mold thrives in warm and humid environments. In these humanly unfavorable situations, mold takes advantage and reigns supreme. It weathers these tough situations and leaves a lasting mark where it stood.
Similarly, the world can be a myriad of circumstances and situations. As if directly from gossip queens and kings themselves, words can take deadly aim no matter what age. Navigating through adulthood sometimes resembles navigating through politics. The once-believed best friends can quickly morph into strangers, while the nearby grocery store worker can become an integral part of your life. Jealousy can lurk in the wild, but so can support. Regardless of the conditions, it is important to readjust and believe in your own abilities. Though self-care and hard work, perseverance through these patches can also cause a proliferation in your own journey.
- Come back with a vengeance
Even after being blasted with deadly chemicals, there is always a chance that mold can make a reappearance. The tiny particles still cling to the wall, waiting patiently for the perfect time to multiply once again. Some even say that when mold returns, it returns much larger and sinks much deeper into the material. It returns with a vengeance — a punishment for the first attempted eradication.
Life is certainly not easy. Sometimes a storm comes, and it completely knocks you off of your feet. And that is okay. It is okay to lie there, to rest, and to catch your breath. Feelings should be freely released on this path to healing. By resting the soul and filling our body with the proper nutrients, we can return better than ever. We, too, can return with a vengeance.

The Author
As a writer, Francesca Duong strongly believes in the power of narrative as a platform for truth and discussion. She loves lengthy conversations, being involved in the community, and discovering delicious foods.