Behind The Myth: Are gay Koreans products of Western culture?
Is gay culture a modern phenomenon in Korea or a centuries-old custom?
Published by the Gwangju International Center since 2001
Is gay culture a modern phenomenon in Korea or a centuries-old custom?
The internationally acclaimed play “The Vagina Monologues” is back and bringing with it some welcome additions to the monologues.
A Gwangju native expat in India explores the value of cross-cultural relationships and discovering home away from home.
Gwangju’s Vagina Monologues is holding an Open Mic fundraiser for this year’s performance.
Jeonju natives Lee Kyoung Mi and Kim Yong Soo, Fish & Grill owners, have taken on a new culinary adventure downtown.
Despite double eyelid surgery not being the centerpiece of last issue’s health article “Seeing Straight”, it triggered a surprising amount of debate, so much so that Dr. Kwak Seung-ho of … Read More
Gwangju’s new Chinese consul-General Wang Xianmin gives his first interview.
The “warrior monk” Cheong San passed on Wednesday.