The Mysterious Case of the Missing Hiker

Detective Johnny McGruff was a seasoned detective from North America who was in Gwangju, South Korea, for a short vacation. He had always been fascinated with South Korean culture and could not wait to explore the city. As he was walking down Geumnam Street, he noticed a commotion near the ACC in downtown Gwangju. Curiosity getting the better of him, he made his way over to the crowd to see what was happening.


“Each time you die another freckle is added to your skin. How faint the freckle indicates how much of a positive impact you had on the life you just expired from. “

Making NINE 9

Stories have played a considerable role over the length of my existence. This includes anecdotes I have heard, accounts I have retold, rumors I have made up, and legends I have believed in. It has been through this affair with the world of storytelling that I grew up believing one day I was going to assemble my own story and share it with everyone. I had absolutely no idea of when or how, but I was convinced it would be epic, much the same as a movie.


Korea’s food that’s called hansik
makes you curious, doesn’t it?

Two Score and Ten Flashbacks on Korea

Through 50 years of Korean memories …

The Man Who Owned Red

By Grace Ryoo The man’s name was Ryan. Ryan Edrund. He had a thin face, untidy hair, and thick glasses. But he had a rather nice smile, and he would … Read More

She Departed, She Arrived

Written by Saul Latham. She was in the wind from the south, under the wings of seagulls – pure seagulls that floated quietly in natural sophic essence. Underneath, she was … Read More

Korean Poetry: “Like the Setting Sunlight”

Gwangju showcases one of its many excellent poets with Yang Kyoonwon’s “Like the Setting Sunlight”.