Love That Makes You Feel at Ease

The adjustment to the new surroundings, meeting new people, settling down at a new home, and cooking were all a hassle. Also, the advanced technology they have here is among the best on the planet. Maybe, I was just drowning in darkness and wanted to touch the light and feel warmth in the cold weather at that time.

Three Things with Jon Dunbar

Jon Dunbar is the antithesis of the average Western expat in Korea.

Right Up Your Alley: The First Alleyway’s Chefs

Words by Kate Jarocki and Eddie Hackworthy Photos by Joe Wabe and First Alleyway To many foreigners in Gwangju, The First Alleyway is a culinary gem. From the ritzy establishments … Read More

Gwangju Plays: Srirang Taekwando Teaches Expats

John Park’s Munheung-dong Taekwondo dojang is happy to train expats in the traditional Korean martial art.

Homegrown ExPat HipHop: ‘Megook Movement’/DJ Hypnotiq

Gwangju News had a chance to sit down with Bryan Simmons (aka Dj Hypnotiq) to talk about music and his group ‘Megook Movement’

Little-known Ways to Find Justice in Korea

You have a right to know about the laws in existence that apply to your job, and you have the right to hold your employer accountable for following those laws as they affect you.

Life in Rural Korea

In larger cities, residents have easy access to subways, buses, and taxis. Here in my town, there are two buses that hit the highlights of the town, so if you’re without a car, you walk everywhere.