Green GIC: Conserving Energy at Work

A clean environment can be easily taken for granted. Everyone needs to help so here are some ways how we can all help save the environment and conserve energy.

Sustained Growth

WWOOF Korea is a growing chapter of the worldwide farm volunteer organization, with 64 hosts nationwide, a CSA membership and connection with Slow Food Korea.

Nurturing Future Advocates: The Importance of Environmental Education

Doing a great job of promoting environmental awareness for the youth of Gwangju is the “Greenseed Program”! Hopefully, this volunteer program can continue!

Shaking off Winter’s Chill

Birds Korea explains why Winter can be a fascinating and beautiful time to observe birds as many are migrating to our local area – time to head outdoors!!

Can We Connect?

Teachers in Gwangju, help your students learn about conservation by joining Birds Korea!

Gambling on the Future

The Need For Biodiversity Conservation For A Sustainable Future

Birds Korea: Fall Migration in the Yellow Sea

A Moment with Birds at Gageo Island

Birds Korea: Getting Involved!

Jason Loghry discusses his passion for conservation and how his school, Obang Elementary, got involved in many projects to promote learning about conservation!