Photo Essay: Snow Scenes from the “Dragon” Side of Mudeung Mountain

There is more to Gwangju than the city…

Photo Essay: Monochrome Nature – In and around Gwangju

Sahu is highly passionate about the black and white landscape photographs of Michael Kenna. Kenna’s work is Sahu’s inspiration and motivation.

May his legacy live on

When someone like political activist Kim Geun-tae dies, they recognize his face and name, most can’t quite place who he is or what he did.

Farewell to Hughie, Lindsay and Whit

Lindsay Nash and Whit Altizer are already waiting outside the GIC building, Whit’s index fingers clasped tightly by their toddling son, Finn, who is enthusiastically practicing his new upright mobility skills. Hughie Samson soon joins us, and we wait a little while longer for the photographer.

Six women with a vision

In the past, Korea was often referred to as the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ because of its rather insular and inward-looking tendency to avoid involvement in the world beyond its own borders. But, just like a child grown to maturity, nicknames are often outgrown.

Korean Stereotypes

Expat Kerri asked a group of nine students what they want to say to the rest of the world about South Korea, or more generally, about Asia. They address a variety of topics, such as being good at math, being asked if they are Japanese or Chinese, and also cosmetic surgery.

To Bully or to be Bullied, That is the Question

Have you ever been ostracized by friends or colleagues, or vice versa? Why do you think it happened to you or others? If you don’t fall into either category, then you are a lucky person.

South Korea’s Drunken Uncle

On Thursday, December 22, South Korea woke up to find their neighboring country in a state of national mourning over the death of their leader.