Dear Mother, We Write to You from Under the Stars

“Before, we cut down forests and chased wildlife out of them. Now, we nurture the forests and welcome life into them.”

Orsoap: “To Do My Small Part” 

“I started zero-waste soap production because I wanted to do my small part [to help protect the environment].”

Eating Plant-Based: Korean-Spiced Falafel Recipe

“A huge shift happening, as more and more people begin to understand the immense benefits eating a plant-based diet can have on their health, animal suffering, and the environment.”

Eating Plant-Based: Adaptable Bean Burger Recipe

“I also am a vegetarian to care for the planet and produce less waste.”

Mindful Diet: The Climate (and Food!) Crisis

“They say that if you have one meat-free meal a week for a year, it has the same effect of planting 15 trees a year.”

More Trees, Please! CO2 and the Temperature

Living trees keep collecting carbon without any power supply needed. All they need are water and sunshine.

The Magic to Creating Toilet Paper

Almost anything can be recycled, technically speaking.

The Rise of SuperBin

Until recently, there were relatively few options for disposing of plastic bottles and aluminum cans in Gwangju. Enter SuperBin: This clever system, based around devices resembling vending machines, not only provides another option to recycle but also incentivizes it by giving points that can be redeemed for cash.