Sleeping Positions

You spend a third of your life asleep, but how much do you know about your sleep? Check out how the way you sleep can affect your dreams, and see if you agree!

Ebola: Know Your Epidemic (So You Can Separate Fact from Fiction)

Don’t get sucked in to the media misinformation about Ebola. Learn the facts.

Beware the Hogs and Marmots

Summertime saw public health scares with animal-related disease and death in humans throughout East Asia.

“He Or She Who Gives a Disease, Then Gives Medicine”

A glimpse into Korean traditional medicine through a proverb describing false friends.

Birds Korea: Poultry Flu

The loss of biodiversity in Korea is causing massive health problems for the country’s wildlife.

Health: Is my Korean dentist afraid of me?

Do Korean dentists treat foreigners differently than Koreans? What is the key to effective communication?

Healing Human Minds: A Plastic Surgeon Speaks

Despite double eyelid surgery not being the centerpiece of last issue’s health article “Seeing Straight”, it triggered a surprising amount of debate, so much so that Dr. Kwak Seung-ho of … Read More

Sight Seeing

Kristal Lee digs deep into eye surgery in Korea.