Warrior Monks

Meet the Buddhist Army that fought for Korea many moons ago…

Japan: Legacy of the Tsunami

Matt Furlane spent some time in Japan to the areas which felt the effects of tsunami.

Three Stops: Tokyo

Grab some quick tips on visiting Tokyo from Matt Furlane.

Tyhpoon Bolaven and the Aftermath in Gwangju

In Gwangju, the impact of this storm was everywhere, though smaller in comparison to other areas of Korea.


Where to go? Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Taiwan all looked like good destinations. I just couldn’t decide. I contacted some friends that teach English in Tokyo and they said they would give me a place to stay. So that settled it, destination Tokyo, Japan. But on the map that I had in front of me I noticed something along the way… Hiroshima.

Fukushima: A Tsunami of Radioactive Seafood?

For the present moment, everyone can enjoy eating seafood harvested near Korean shores, but in the near future, we might need to buy a portable Geiger counter just to be safe.

Friends or Foes? Korea vs. Japan

Korean people often describe Japan as a close but distant neighbor. Why is that? Why do some Korean people hate Japan and Japanese people? Are there solutions to put an end to this problem?

Korean Independence Movement Day

Korean Independence Movement Day has been called Korea’s “Easter Rising” and holds a powerful significance for Koreans as a day to celebrate its nation’s independence from all foreign powers.