The English of North Korea: Analyzing Kim Jong-un’s Revised English Textbooks

Before the revision in North Korea, English or Russian were the only languages taught in cities in 2003, but in 2013, English education was expanded nationwide. In the revised curriculum, foreign language subjects were unified into English, and the Russian language course was abruptly ended. As a result, the number of hours spent by students in English classes has been greatly expanded (Cho et al., 2015).

Flipping the Classroom: Walking in Students’ Shoes

“This warm welcome reminded me to be mindful of our students’ current circumstances.”

The Guest English Teachers’ Program

Each team-teaching relationship was more different than similar.

Learning Korean: The Adventure Continues

“A better strategy is to be ‘a foreigner who speaks Korean pretty well.’”

Teaching Teachers and Principals

“Trainees are in a unique position as teachers to re-assume the role of student – an excellent opportunity to use experiential learning to help them reconsider alternative perspectives.”

Curriculum-Building for Student Workshops

“I decided to focus on just three important elements: choosing a topic, planning, and audience experience.”

Fun & Free: Creating Multilinguals at the GIC Korean–Chinese Language Exchange

“It is definitely the most genuine and wholehearted language exchange program you could ever wish to experience.”

Learning Outside the Classroom

“Find ways to excel with your abilities, improve your skills, and remember that we will be students forever, so let’s choose our methods of learning early.”