Three Lazy Hikes Along the West Sea

By Isaiah Winters I hate the West Sea. It’s shallow and muddy with a color palette usually ranging from some metallic sludge to full-on dirty dishwater. In last year’s August … Read More

My Journey

Budding photographer Adrian Stuart Jarvis traces his journey from the moment he bought his first DSLR in 2009.

Wando to Busan

A Photographer’s account through his real lens

Why your Equipment Matters

Simon Bond examines two main players in today’s photography world: the smart phone and the dSLR camera.

Tequilaz Mexican Restaurant

Andrew Sweeney gives us a tour of Tequilaz.

Photo Essay: Doug Stuber

Doug Stuber gives us a look into Meungsusa.

Bridges of Gwangju by Maya Thompson

Bridges. Some of the most amazing pieces of architecture known today. Maya Thompson features some of those beautiful structures found here in Gwangju.

Photo Essay: Chungjang Festival

Chungjang Festival is one of the representative festivals of Gwangju. Held annually every September, the festival holds the theme of ‘Recollection 7080’ which showcases events, performances and decorations from the 1970s and 1980s and is very popular among the elder generations of Gwangju.