Making NINE 9

Stories have played a considerable role over the length of my existence. This includes anecdotes I have heard, accounts I have retold, rumors I have made up, and legends I have believed in. It has been through this affair with the world of storytelling that I grew up believing one day I was going to assemble my own story and share it with everyone. I had absolutely no idea of when or how, but I was convinced it would be epic, much the same as a movie.

Gwangju Writes: Prose

There and Here Written by Boipelo Seswane. The air was thick and sticky – the way only Korean summer air can be. The cab came to a stop as neon … Read More


Written by Boipelo Seswane. It was wild and cold outside. Lake stood at the kitchen window shivering even as the mug she clutched to her chest warmed her hands. The … Read More