Hustle for Muscle: A Primer on Korean Gyms

Gwangju is particularly blessed with an abundance of fitness centers that are more often than not clean, well-equipped, affordable, and offer a wide range of activities. If you have ever considered joining a gym and live in Gwangju, there is really no excuse not to sign up for a three-month, six-month, or year-long membership and to either begin or continue your fitness journey.

Min Cook Barbeque: An Interview with Kang Woong-min

Southern-style American barbeque lovers – fear not! Min Cook Barbeque can be found in two locations in Gwangju: Kumho-dong and recently also in a new location in downtown on Chungjang-ro.

Is 20/20 Vision Possible for Me? 

The staff at the clinic seems really nice and confident in their work, so I felt very welcome and warmly received there.

Joining the Chonnam National University International Community: A Better Way to Connect Students of All Backgrounds

Simply packing your bags and moving abroad to study is no guarantee that you will connect with your new home away from home. To get the most out of the study abroad experience, an attempt at integration is often vital. The following interview explores a few of the excellent campus groups at Chonnam National University (CNU) that serve to link incoming foreign students with locals for deeper cross-cultural exchanges.

Eating Vegan in Gwangju: Plant-Based Places to Try This Spring

This spring, I encourage you to get out of your routine eating habits and spice things up. Why not give plant-based food a try in Gwangju?

The Rise of Indoor Skateparks

This article is just a small sample of the indoor parks in the country. In 2021 “skatepark academies” have popped up in Busan, Iksan, Wonju, Gyeonggi-do, and numerous locations in Seoul. And just to be clear, you do not have to take lessons at any of these places. For between fifteen and twenty thousand won, anyone can skate all day.

Top of The Drop

Each month, Daniel Springer of the Gwangju Foreign Language Network (GFN) picks his favorite newly released tunes that you may not have heard yet, along with some upcoming albums and EPs that you might want to keep on your radar.

Trust the Process

“Trust yourself, your abilities, your newfound passion, and mostly trust the process.”